More from Project Nana:
I absolutely love the dogwood prints over the bed. Got 'em at Home Goods for $16.99/each. How do you beat that?
Draperies "pre-trim"
draperies with trim and tie-back (pre-hardware)
Thanks again Nester!
Back at the Ranch:

final draft
Still working out the wrinkles in the lower portion:

I nearly jumped for joy at Wal-Mart recently when, just after I wrote here about needing some uniformity in my cook book storage, I ran smack dab into those dark brown magazine holders you see in photo above for a really great price! It was a real shoppertunity.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what is going to be stored in the lower part and what is going to be put elsewhere. When I have a few minutes to play with it, I'm sure I'll be thrilled with the outcome. For now, it's hosting lots of my better luncheon plates, bowls, platters, etc. It's still a WIP.
And! I finally made excellent use of the "dead" corner between the cabinet and the wall:
This part I am thrilled with. I've had nothing but crapola stuck in this corner space for years. It looks so much better now! As an added bonus, I found some great wine stuck away in the pantry that I had totally forgotten about! Whoo-hoo!!!
And, now that Project Nana is in the bag, I'm back on my black and white bedroom project. Here's the latest:
You might be counting pillows and saying to yourself, geesh, 8 pillows? To be honest, there are 10 pillows for this bed but I couldn't get them all in one photo. :-)
I picked up the little pillowcase doll on my last trip to Georgia. I just fell in love with her in a local boutique. Considering that I'm no pro when it comes to decorating, I was more than a bit unsure about mixing the ultra modern black and white bedding and the almost-primitive pillowcase doll. Then I remembered, "Hey Silly - it's a DOLL, it's a BED, and the QUEEN MOTHER ISN'T COMING this week." So, for now, little Georgia is resting comfortably on her ultra modern bed.
I think I'll go rest comfortably in mine.
Tomorrow night, I'm going to stitch!
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