Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week in Review

Wow, what a week!   I can't believe it was a week yesterday that I arrived back home from San Francisco.  My o my how time gets away from me.

Besides working all week, I attended chapter meeting on Monday night and was reminded that I had not posted my little airplane Assisi finish here. 

It's not much to write home about (is this all I could get stitched on a cross-country flight?  I must be out of shape!).  I thought it might make a cute soft ruler/floss tag or maybe even an envelope front for some mail art...  I stitched it with the new Florimell silk thread from Gloriana which I talked about in my last post.  I can not overstate how fantabuloso this thread is.  It goes for about $1/yard.  The color above is Autumn Arbor and is so much prettier in real life.  Below is Poinsettia and Old Gold.

o yes they are that gorgeous!  And you should feel them!

Wednesday was my 'official' birthday except I tend to celebrate all month long.  (Don't cha know about half the stuff I bought in San Francisco was 'for my birthday'!)  Hubby, sis and faa-ther were so generous and thoughtful.  Hubs sent flowers to work and had flowers at home, took me to my favorite local restaurant for dinner, gave me a new filter for my new camera (which was an 'early' birthday present from him last month), scored some of those wonderful Anniversary beans from Bucky's (aka Starbucks), brought home an honest-to-goodness birthday cake, and gave me one of the sweetest cards ever!  Sis and Dad put together an enormous gift box o'camera paraphernalia for me.  I can't wait to use the mono-pod, case, album,  

Really, I was totally spoiled this year.  :-D

And rounding out the week, my EGA chapter hosted its big fund raising event last night, the Basket BINGO! 

I baked peanut butter blossom cookies for the baked goods sale and MAN did they smell good.  I was rushing around and forgot to save any for home, so I couldn't tell you how they turned out..  But, since they sold out, I guess they tasted ok.  It felt good to be cooking in my kitchen again after being away from it for awhile.  I also had some help in the kitchen from Flat Stanley.

Flat Stanley is my XSDN*, Hannah Faith's 3rd grade project currently.  She sent Flat Stanley to me from her school in Texas so he could have adventures with me here in WV and then return with his stories to TX.  He and I grabbed a venti early Saturday morning,

then dashed off to the grocery for cookie supplies,

retuned home to whip up a few batches,

and then headed to BINGO. 

He did a great job helping me play my cards, but sadly, no BINGOs for me all night!  I did however win a nice doorprize and The Sister won 4 times (2 prizes for herself and 2 for others from her workplace).  She was born under a lucky star.

After church today, I think I'll take Flat Stanley to the local no-kill animal shelter so he can pick out a Flat Spot.  I'm sure my XSDN won't mind if Stanley comes back to TX with a best friend! 

I promise to post a few shots of my stash experience from National next time.  Airline luggage weight limits rained on my bookstore parade, but I was pleased with the few books I did bring home. 

Until then friends, I hope you are stitching as much as your heart desires.


*XSDN = extra special darling niece

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hop, Skip and Jump

Yesterday, we hopped from Father's Day to Wedding Anniversary and First Day of Summer. 

thank you sweetheart, they are gorgeous!

Today we are skipping into Share-A-Stitch. And right after SAS, we are jumping straight on top of Sis and Hubby birthdays.  

It's hard to believe that SAS is HERE!  We've been talking about it and planning for it for over a year now and before we knew it, WHAM-O, it's here.  I can't wait to see all my stitching sisters from "down South".  Safe travels ladies!

While I'm trying to soak up and enjoy every moment of this celebratory season, I'm so scatter brained right now I'm pretty sure I passed myself coming, or was I going?  No matter.  Two 'pirin' tablets and I'll be fine.  I am enjoying all the activity, especially the visiting family.  It's been too long since their last visit. 

Tops on my "What I'm not looking forward to List":  laundry and packing tonight.

I'll be back next week (hopefully) with some SAS photos to share.

Have a great week friends!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

June Madness begins

June is the craziest month of the year for family events.  There is Father's Day, Wedding Anniversary, Sister Birthday, and Hubby Birthday.  We begin this weekend with Sister Birthday celebrations although her actual birthday isn't until much later this month.  We are celebrating early because I'll be attending Share-A-Stitch out of town around the time of her actual birthday.   

We'll be hosting out of town family visitors twice this month and I always look forward to that.  Truthfully, I love having a house full of family.  It's great fun planning special celebration menus, using the "good stuff", sharing happy times together and making new memories, even if I'm dog tired when everyone goes home.

It's always a fun month but so action packed!  It feels like a sprint and a marathon, rolled into one.  Fourth of July marks the slow down of the summer festivities around here and I know it will be here in two blinks.  I can hear the parade bands warming up now!

Enjoy your weekend friends!  Monday will be here all too soon.

Monday, June 29, 2009

July? Already? Are you Kidding Me?

I wish I had a bunch of fun birthday photos to share, but honestly I've been too dag on busy to pick the camera (or my stitching) up. You'll have to take my word for it, my one and only sister and (one and only) husband have both successfully celebrated another year of life this past weekend. Sis and I took tea (not at the Savoy, but at a very good tea room anyway) and caught a chick-flik (The Proposal) Friday. As working girls (get your mind out of the gutter), it was a real treat to take a day off and just do what-N-ever we wanted to do. We even squeezed in some antique shopping.

All day Saturday was spent in the kitchen prepping for the Hubby Big Sunday Birthday Feast. I'll try to be brief but to tell the truth, I was quiet pleased with myself. We started with jumbo shrimp cocktails in jumbo crystal martini glasses, complete with crushed ice, lemon wedges and cocktail sauce cups. For fruit, we had cantelope balls and blueberries served in pretty little juice glasses. Even the salads were made special with red roquefort dressing. Main course included proscuitto wrapped asparagus, roasted red potatoes, filet mignon, roasted corn on the cob and parmesan grilled bread. Yes, but what for dessert? The birthday boy requested scratch carrot cake and pecan pie (including homemade crust). That's right, we all rolled around like stuffed ticks afterwards! And that was just for LUNCH! For dinner, we had rootbeer floats! LOL!

It's another four day week for me which sounds great but really only means I need to squeeze 40 hours of work into 32. This Friday, hubby and I planned to run up the road to Ripley WV for the Mountain State Arts and Crafts Festival. It's a stupendous juried outdoor show that I look forward to every year (even though it's always 100 degrees in the shade).

We'll return to our regularly scheduled stitching shortly folks. Thanks for sticking around in the interim. I do love reading your comments and blogs and sharing my little corner of the world with you all.

I hope to find a little time to work up a small design for the Artist Trading Card program we are having a week from today at the July guild meeting. I've never made one but have admired them from afar for a long time. I'm seeing a little something on the peacocky side in my near future... hum...