Fleeting images of summer...what color, what beauty, what blessings!
Sorry for chopping off the right hand side of the collage. I would love to know how to edit this template to widen the content area and minimize the side borders, but alas, I am not a techie. I really like the template but am quiet sure if I started tinkering with it, I would create some kind of "fatal error", I'm experienced in the "fatal error" arena. I've got the brand spanking new profile at work this week to prove it. What that means in plain English is my computer forgot who it belonged to. All my shortcuts, documents, email, etc were simply lost, no, not lost, just misplaced the IT guy assures me. The actual machine still works like a charm, it just has amnesia. Supposedly it is more likely to happen when you log into the system from remote locations. Blah blah blah. Since I've got about 20 days to write employee performance appraisals, I hope it regains it's memory soon. All my notes for the whole year are in there, somewhere. Sing it with me now, "Somewhere, Out There, Beyond the World Wide Web, .... "
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