Friday, July 23, 2010

Special Friday

Last night, my XSDNs were sooooo excited about all the things we can do during their visit, we decided to made a list so we could decide what we were going to do first. 

Then we changed the list seventy-eleven times.

Then, once etched in stone, we did a "live" broadcast from the back deck about the Special Friday List of Things To Do, which include:

Smoothie Breakfast:

Tidy room and Get Ready!

Ladies that Lunch:

Lunch at Lake Dave:

K9 Lovin':

And LOTS of fashion show preparations.  There are tickets, programs, snack tickets, two acts, and intermission and two costume changes.....times three girls.  If I make it, those pics will be up before Monday.

Now, it's dog-walking time so we can get off to our early dinner at the Chinese buffet and back in time for the Special Friday Fashion Show!

Hope you have a Magical Weekend too!


  1. I bet you're going to have tons of fun!

  2. Have fun with those extra special nieces!

    Smiles - Denise

  3. These girls are so-o-o cute!
