Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Reading

I'm taking a little break from favor making (just for a day or two) to read "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth.  Usually, I'm not the first, or even the last, to jump on a big book craze.  I'm not too terribly wild about fiction - I might pick up a biography or social commentary every now and then, but most often, I protect my stitching free time with vigor.  Maybe I could be, some day, when time is less limited, be an avid reader.  But for now, when I give up stitching time to read a book, cover to cover, it's gotta be good.  And, in my humble opinion, this book is better than good - it is Truth. 

If you, or anyone you know, have ever had a love-hate relationship with food and/or your body, this book is a Must Read.  It cuts to the heart of the issue with realism and sensitivity.  It introduces a method of confronting and normalizing obsessive behavior that is not only effective but "tranformative" (to use an Oprah word).  I'm almost stunned at how neatly and cleanly the author 'gets you there', in just about 200 pages when entire libraries could be filled with nothing but self-help books (some more sucessful than others) written with the intention of helping people break cycles of destructive behavior.  Roth isn't ordering you to "STOP THE INSANITY" at the top of her lungs or telling you how simple it is to "Eat Less, Move More" or how fun it is to "Sweat to the Oldies".  She is telling The Truth, as one who has lived a life of food obsession and overcome it.  Truth - Universal Truth - when spoken so well has boundless power.  She does have it figured out and I sincerely hope that anyone who is searching for help has access to this book.

If I'm right, and I hope I am, the ideas she presents in this work might just save millions of people from a lifetime of obsessive behavior. 

As a bonus, check out the Oprah website for the Companion Guide.

The disclaimer:  I have no affiliation with the author, the publisher, Oprah, Kevin Bacon, Daffy Duck, nor do I stand to gain a single penny from this endorsement.  


  1. That looks like a really interesting read. I'm going to look it up.

  2. I/m quite behind on my blog reading and only just saw this. Yours is the second positive review on this that I've had in two days - I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Thank you.
