Boy I'm telling you the truth, what do they say about giving an inch? I'll want a mile. Being totally dissatisfied with my extremely limited number of stitching minutes on the 25th, I declared March 26th a Christmas stitching day as well. So there. I'm a big cheater, but a happy cheater. I've completed 4 whole bands, 1/2 of a 5th, and buttons fill two more of the bands in this area:
So, all in all, it's coming right along.
The photo doesn't do the fabric or thread color justice. I love the simple sweetness of the design. BUT, until April 25th, NOEL is going back in the PHF* and back to the peacock I go.
*Project Holding Facility
Oh, but it does look lovely, well worth a little bending of the rules I think! Looking forward to seeing some more of peacock.