As you can see, I'm a little preoccupied tonight, so this post will be short and sweet.
I'm making steady progress on the withdrawn thread bands on Assisi peacock. Actually, I finished the middle section:
I still need to cut, withdraw and re-weave the last section (ugh), and figure out how exactly to work that punto gigliuccio stitch for the upper band. Trick-ee! If you have any suggestions for me, don't hold back.
My away game (dragonfly checkboard) is flying! I'm still only stitching on it during lunch breaks, so by some standards, it's not flying, but it's moving pretty darn quick for my liking. I'm working the fill-in stitching in the non-dragonfly squares, just making stuff up as I go, and it is turning out quiet nice if I do say so myself. On the days I can't walk up to the shop and stitch, I've been emailing the shop owner to encourage the other sit-n-stitchers to do a couple of squares for me, but they seem to think I'm kidding. No takers so far.
I also snapped a couple of fabulous amaryllis shots tonight. Sharing a couple, (unedited):
That withdrawn band is beautiful! Stunning amaryllis pics, I forgot to start mine off last year so I am squinting my eyes and pretending that this is mine! The voices in my head say stitch it all too.