And the countdown clock is tickin'. 8 days til setting sail and between now and then, let's see, there is one wedding, one chapter annual meeting, 5 days of work, one mid week ga-la (aka shin-dig), a haircut and pedicure for good measure. Somewhere in there I desperately need to carve out some time to buy a couple pairs of hose, maybe a new dress and some beach bum fun clothes, sorry slacks, blouses, trouser socks and loafers, you're staying home. I'll send you a postcard.
And, oh yeah, we'll have a NEW PRESIDENT come Wednesday! That will be very interesting. Let's all VOTE and HOPE/PRAY for the BEST. It's good to be American and participate in our government, but in 8 days I'll be enjoying the sunny hospitality (and fruity drinks) of our neighbors to the South. Not sure about internet service on the ship, so I might be off the grid for awhile. So far, three stitching projects, the passport, bathing suit, pool sandals, and camera are in the "Ready" pile. If you see a story in the news about "Crazy Stitching Lady Streaks Carribean", don't worry, it's just me, out of clean clothes. Just send bail money. Bon voyage!
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