Sunday, June 30, 2013

June: The Month of Wine and Roses


Good evening, friends! 

As we enter the final hours of another loverly month of June, I thought I should pop in and post a quick stitching update.

As I have shared in years past, the month of June is full of family celebrations like Father's Day, wedding anniversary, sister birthday and hubby birthday.  It is literally a month full of friends, family, food, parties, cookouts and vacation! 

 special Frenchy French birthday cake

A great place to stitch...
the library at The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia

Having put my tartan coaster to bed, I found it almost difficult to pick a new project (or WIP) to take on our anniversary get-away.  As I ran short on packing/prep time, I grabbed what was handy and ready to be stitched on..

stitching space on vacation...
this chair was extremely difficult to get out of.. as in, Oh no, has it been 6 hours since I moved? 

Monet's The Houses of Parliament, Sunset... one of my favorite Monet's interpreted into cross stitch by the late great Sheila Hudson.

I'm a little further along than when this shot was taken, but not too far..

Kinda depressing.. but, in tiny little bites, I'll eat that elephant!


Meanwhile back at the ranch, I'm still adjusting to being a Cat Mom.. to two tuxedo girls.  This is the 'big girl' Boots and yes, her belly is as soft and fluffy as it looks!  She's mainly an outdoor cat but seriously enjoys napping in my sunroom..

Here's hoping you all enjoy a safe and fun Independence Day next week and take a moment to thank a veteran for your freedom.

Happy stitching!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy Happy Joy Joy!


Happy June, friends!

I have terrific news to share.  The TARTAN TEACUP COASTER IS FINISHED!  And yes, I'm happier than a hounddog with a hambone, so that last sentence should be shouted, from the rooftops. 

ground fabric:  18 count canvas
threads:  all DMC perle cotton (blue 334, green 991, red 321, black 310, and yellow)

This little do-dad measures 7.5" at the widest and was worked in the true tartan plaid method so it is 100% reversible.  I have worked and ripped and re-worked on it for about 10 months but did not clock my hours.  It has been to Las Vegas, Colorado, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and back to wild wonderful WV.  Now I just have to find the right silk ribbon to finish the edges (simple fold-over + whipstitch) and it will be done and dusted. 

This is the 6th custom 'doily' I have stitched for certain teacups I have brought home as souvenirs over the years.  Just 'for fun', I began this tradition of designing and creating doilies or coasters for special-to-me teacups many many years ago. 

If it weren't for some of the encouragement I received from several of you, I may have never finished this one.  After about the 5th major mistake, I honestly was on the verge of giving up on it.  You just never know when your kind words will make the difference to someone, so keep that up!  :-))

Here are a couple of other quickies I have finished lately:

Lee leather luggage tag
handpainted canvas
DMC perle cotton

for TVR Birthday Party at EGA National Seminar 2013
Lee leather luggage tag
DMC metallic and perle cotton

Boy are these little guys addictive!  I think I've done five of them now and can't wait to start the next one!  They are small, quick and so much fun.  If your LNS doesn't carry the tags and can't get them for you, you can find them at Madonna Needleworks or Fireside Stitchery.  One thing I like so much about them is that the needlework is not permanently afixed to the tag, so you can change inserts as often as you like. 

Well, that's all the news that's fit to report for today folks.  Hope you are enjoying whatever you are working on this weekend and have a wonderful upcoming week!